Aug 24, 2024 No-Code

Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2024

It has only been around one year, since 2023, and we all have observed the increasing role of AI in every industry, whether it is service or marketing, business operations or workflow management, AI is everywhere!

Digital marketing is unpredictable, trends change everyday, hours, and even in minutes, so marketers need to be updated with the technology and changing marketing trends to resonate with the user intent and their preferences, but what does this year bring? 2024 will be a whole new set of creative trends that every marketer should consider and follow to stay ahead of the competitors.

Social Media Trends

Social media is on the cusp of transforming digital marketing the way it never has! In 2024, the digital content landscape is thriving for enticing designs and appealing hooks to get customer’s attention, retention, and interests.Social media trends like short-form videos, streaming, IG Live, and podcasts are the new trends setting Instagram Threads and blueSky in the exploring row.
Instagram Threads being an exceptional trend launched by Meta in July, 2023; has over 190 million users across the world. Competitive to X, Threads has managed to be another contented platform to open conversations and text updates with a large user base. Short-form video content is evolving as a standout content format of 2024 preceding ‘Podcast’ as the content format mostly used in 2023. The social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are going to lead this year with the most streaming short-form video content.
Entertainment matters, and so, the OTT streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime are also making their place in the world of digital marketing including one of the most auspicious trends:- Ad-supported subscriptions.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has been a new reality of this generation. You want to write captions?You want to make a script for your content? You want to automate your workflow with tasks and reminders or design graphics by just giving a proper prompt? All of this, even more, in fact every next possible thing that a student, designer, teacher, or a manager wants to do, is possible by just giving a prompt?
So, how can Artificial Intelligence contribute in developing strategies for digital marketing in 2024? Here are few AI trends of the year to watch:-

As marketers are more concerned with their customers, they can make use of AI to audit the insights gained by understanding the customer behavior to help them make data-driven and sound decisions. According to a survey report by HubSpot, 48% of the marketers used AI automation tools for content creation, landing page call-to-action(CTA), and product descriptions. Almost every e-commerce platform started using AI or planning to add AI tools in the website to support customers with various options like Amazon uses AI to summarize customer reviews for viewers’ better experience by saving their time.

To streamline processes, smooth operations, and better workflow; many marketers uses AI in different ways like:

AI-driven customer insights leverages marketers to understand their potential customers, keeping an eye on customer behavior and interests to unleash sound decisions and actionable segments, by these insights marketers can deliver personalized content to increase brand identity and affinity. Only with the help of these insights, marketers can target customers on a large scale, even though the number is huge, marketers can streamline a tailored communication with individual customers quite conveniently.
Another giant leap of the year is Generative AI, if generative AI is used correctly with a human brain then almost all the challenges of marketers can be overcome. Content creation to increase engagement and deliver quality content
It has only been around one year, since 2023, and we all have observed the increasing role of AI in every industry, whether it is service or marketing, business operations or workflow management, AI is everywhere! Digital marketing is unpredictable, trends change everyday, hours, and even in minutes, so marketers need to be updated with the technology and changing marketing trends to resonate with the user intent and their preferences, but what does this year bring? 2024 will be a whole new set of creative trends that every marketer should consider and follow to stay ahead of the competitors.

SEO Trends

SEO is the backbone of digital marketing and the upcoming SEO trends are looking forward to a more customer-centric and technologically-oriented approach in 2024. SEO trends have a direct relationship with AI and machine learning as the insights given by them leverages marketers to deliver SEO-driven content based on customer intent.

So let’s have a look on the SEO trends in 2024:-

Google Search Generative Engine is intended to grow up. Working with generative AI, Google SGE is revolutionizing the search experience. The aim of Search Generative Engine is to leverage a thorough and relevant information to the users based on their searches. Also, SGE provides relevant links and a chat mode so users can ask another question following up with the last search. High EEAT Content EEAT(Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) might not be an SEO ranking factor but Google has worked on this framework since a decade adding an extra ‘E’ this year, as a factor of its search quality evaluator guidelines. EEAT content will be prominent this year as AI does not have first hand knowledge for real-world experience like humans do. So, here, marketers have a free-hand in generating content rich in experience, expertise and trustworthiness. PPC Trends PPC trends, unlike AI, are entirely in the hands of marketers depending upon how much and where they are spending on advertisements to target their core customers with a tailored approach, PPC(Pay-per-click) model is extraordinary because AI has no hand in it giving marketers the power to target their audiences with personalized messages. There are more SEO trends coming this year like Focus on conversion rate and UX, AI for Google Ads, links building, historical optimization, voice search optimization, and Chatbots.

Retention Rate: A new engagement rate

There might be a drastic change of focus from engagement rate to retention rate in 2024 as last years have seen a slight decline in organic social media engagement because of content quality, posting timings, and device used. This year, people tend to focus much more on retention rate, leveraging marketers to create content of more varieties than ever before. As much as the variety of content will be generated, customer retention rate will increase. These days, it is seen to have a short span of videos in reels with engaging, creative and appealing hooks to get customer attention and increase engagement with that too. Instagram reels are trending with popular hooks used by marketers to get audience’s retention to the content. On the other hand, Linkedin still seems to have an organic engagement rate which is rare on other social media platforms, gone are the days when people downloaded Linkedin just to upload resumes and find a job!

Conclusion: Digital Marketing Trends 2024

Marketers need to resonate with the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape in the upcoming years. From transforming social media trends to changing the landscape of Artificial Intelligence and its integration in e-commerce platforms and social media platforms, these trends keep changing with the way consumers behave and businesses operate.
AI will have an impact on everybody’s role, whether it does not impact you now, it will impact further in future, so technology learning and being up to date with the evolving trends and technology is the only thing that can save marketers from any uncertainties and challenges!

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